Striving for Excellence in All Endeavors

Uncategorized Mar 22, 2023

Good, better, best. 

Never let it rest. 

‘till your good is better, 

And your better best. 

Growing up, I heard this little poem many times. As a Christian, doing everything with excellence means striving to do everything to the best of your ability, as if you were doing it for God himself. This idea is grounded in the biblical principle of doing everything as unto the Lord, found in Colossians 3:23-24: 

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." 

This principle applies to all areas of life, whether it be work, home, relationships, or hobbies. It means putting in effort and doing things with a spirit of excellence, even when no one is watching. 

Doing everything with excellence also means recognizing that our abilities and opportunities come from God, and we should use them to bring glory to Him. It involves seeking to honor God in all that we do, and using our talents and skills to serve others and make a positive impact on the world. 

Ultimately, doing everything with excellence is about living out the call to love God and love others, and using our gifts and abilities to bring glory to God and make a difference in the world around us. 

Here are five specific ways to bring excellence to your everyday life: 

  • Set goals and prioritize: Set goals for yourself and prioritize your daily tasks based on what is most important to you. This will help you focus your energy on what matters most and achieve your desired outcomes. 
  • Practice self-discipline: Practice self-discipline in your daily habits and routines. This includes things like maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine, getting enough rest, and avoiding procrastination. 
  • Continuously learn and grow: Make a commitment to continuously learn and grow in your personal and professional life. This can be through reading, taking courses, attending conferences or seminars, or seeking out mentorship and coaching. 
  • Develop good communication skills: Develop good communication skills and learn to listen actively, express yourself clearly, and build strong relationships with those around you. 
  • Serve others: Look for ways to serve others and make a positive impact in your community. This can be through volunteering, donating to charity, or simply being kind and helpful to those around you. When you put the needs of others before your own, you will experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life. 

In summary, as Christians, we are called to do everything with excellence and to bring glory to God through our actions and attitudes. This involves setting goals, practicing self-discipline, continuously learning and growing, developing good communication skills, and serving others. By incorporating these practices into our everyday lives, we can live out our faith and make a positive impact in the world around us. Ultimately, bringing excellence to our daily lives is not about striving for perfection, but rather about using our God-given abilities and opportunities to honor Him and serve others to the best of our abilities. 


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